Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March Loyal3 buys and March Dividends.

Well, my March monthly Loyal3 buys went through. From my previous post my monthly $200 breakdown is as follows:

$20 KO
$10 DIS
$10 DNKN
$10 HAS
$15 INTC
$10 K
$10 MAT
$20 MCD
$15 MSFT
$20 PEP
$10 SBUX
$20 TGT
$10 UL
$20 WMT

My buys were initiated on 3/20 and the share were bought a couple days later.  I have updated my portfolio to reflect the buys.

On to the exciting part...the dividends I received in March.

$4.33 PBI (sharebuilder taxable account)
$0.04 DNKN (Loyal3)
$0.08 K (Loyal3)
$0.17 MCD (Loyal3)
$8.83 CVX (sharebuilder Roth account)
$13.45 Total

It's my biggest total in any month yet.  PBI and CVX were DRIPed and the dividends from Loyal3 helped buy march shares.  


  1. Congratulations! Pretty awesome to see things continue to grow. Those monthly contributions should really help propel you over the course of this year.

    1. Thanks for stopping by W2R. I know my small contributions will start paying off where I won't spend as much on my CC to make my monthly contributions. Cheers.

  2. Congrats on the biggest dividend month. March was the same for me. Those new Loyal3 buys will soon increase those payments. Keep up the great work!

    1. Hey Gareth. Cheers to the both of us. We made monthly highs. woohoo. Thanks for stopping by. Let's hope we both get a new monthly high soon. Take care.
